The Virgin and Child with Saints (Pesaro Madonna)

Public Domain

Artist(s) / maker(s)

Titiaan (after)
Valentin Lefèbvre (etchers)
Jacobus van Campen (publisher)




17 century
The Virgin sits on a platform under columns with the Christ Child on her lap. At her feet stands Peter with an opened book. St Francis of Assisi and St Anthony of Padua stand to the left beside the Christ Child. Jacopo and Benedetto Pesaro are kneeling in adoration in the foreground. On a cloud, two putti raise a cross…
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The Virgin sits on a platform under columns with the Christ Child on her lap. At her feet stands Peter with an opened book. St Francis of Assisi and St Anthony of Padua stand to the left beside the Christ Child. Jacopo and Benedetto Pesaro are kneeling in adoration in the foreground. On a cloud, two putti raise a cross. The print is part of a 53-part series of prints after paintings by Titian and Veronese.
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More about this work

Artist(s) / maker(s) Titiaan VIAF RKD Wikidata, Valentin Lefèbvre , Jacobus van Campen
Types etching , reproductive prints AAT
Category prints (visual works)
Material paper
Dimensions 538 x 292 mm
Location Work currently not on display
Object number 2015-JN-22
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie - EN

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