
Public Domain

Artist / maker

Maarten van Heemskerck




16th century

More about this work

Artist / maker Maarten van Heemskerck VIAF RKD Wikidata
Type oil paintings (visual works)
Categories paintings (visual works) AAT , Decretaal beschermd topstuk
Materials oil paint AAT , panel AAT
Dimensions 323 x 265 cm
Location Work on display
Object number S-52
Subjects religious symbolism AAT , landscapes AAT
Tags New Testament Iconclass, Christ Iconclass, Christ as adult Iconclass, public life of Christ: from his baptism until the Passion Iconclass, Passion of Christ Iconclass, the crucifixion of Christ: Christ's death on the cross; Golgotha (Matthew 27:45-58; Mark 15:33-45; Luke 23:44-52; John 19:25-38) Iconclass, bystanders at the foot of the cross, among whom Mary, Mary Magdalene and John the Evangelist; Mary may be shown swooning Iconclass, crucified Christ with Mary, John, and Mary Magdalene Iconclass, loin-cloth ~ particularities of crucifixion scenes Iconclass, private soldier Iconclass, nails ~ instruments of the Passion Iconclass, crown of thorns ~ instruments of the Passion Iconclass, single instruments of the Passion (PINCERS) Iconclass, single instruments of the Passion (SPONGE) Iconclass, single instruments of the Passion (DICE) Iconclass, single instruments of the Passion (HAMMER) Iconclass, blood spouting from Christ's wounds Iconclass, inscription Iconclass, the superscription: I(esus) N(azarenus) R(ex) I(udaeorum) ~ Christ's crucifixion Iconclass, the Virgin Mary Iconclass, saints Iconclass, Veronica; possible attributes: 'Sudarium' (veil with the image of Christ) Iconclass, 'Vera Icon', held up by Veronica Iconclass, private soldier Iconclass, protective weapons: shield Iconclass, the soldier; the soldier's life Iconclass, hacking and thrusting weapons (SABRE) Iconclass, shoes, sandals Iconclass, executioner, hangman Iconclass, tools, aids, implements ~ crafts and industries: knife Iconclass, the Archangel Michael (often in armour with sword or lance) Iconclass, helmet Iconclass, head-gear Iconclass, head-gear: cap Iconclass, head-gear: hat Iconclass, head-gear (HEADSCARF) Iconclass, veil Iconclass, the Virgin Mary Iconclass, the penitent harlot Mary Magdalene; possible attributes: book (or scroll), crown, crown of thorns, crucifix, jar of ointment, mirror, musical instrument, palm-branch, rosary, scourge Iconclass, the penitent harlot Mary Magdalene; possible attributes: book (or scroll), crown, crown of thorns, crucifix, jar of ointment, mirror, musical instrument, palm-branch, rosary, scourge Iconclass, tears Iconclass, weeping Iconclass, preaching (in general) Iconclass, belt, girdle, waistband Iconclass, John the Baptist; possible attributes: book, reed cross, baptismal cup, honeycomb, lamb, staff Iconclass, murderer Iconclass, postures and gestures of arms and hands in relation to each other Iconclass, hands against each other Iconclass, index finger upwards Iconclass, arm or hand held in front of the body Iconclass, hand holding the breast Iconclass, (human) skull Iconclass, morphology of facial expression Iconclass, looking upwards Iconclass, clouds Iconclass, landscapes in the temperate zone Iconclass, city-view, and landscape with man-made constructions Iconclass, housing Iconclass, civic architecture; edifices; dwellings Iconclass, urban housing Iconclass, gold-thread embroidery Iconclass, ornaments, jewels Iconclass, lane, alley Iconclass, riding a horse, ass, or mule; rider, horseman Iconclass, horse Iconclass, head-stall Iconclass, bit Iconclass, reins Iconclass, reins Iconclass, container of metal: bucket, can, canister, drum, tin, etc. Iconclass, animals Iconclass, mammals Iconclass

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