Texts, images, photographs, logos and other items on this site can be protected by copyright and other laws on intellectual property.
Copies, reproductions, changes, translations, operations, changes to the site, part of this site or the content on this site, in whatever format or method are subjected to strict rules.
The Flemish Art Collection invests a great deal of time and energy for the proper identification of the status of right of the various types of content on its websites. We try to indicate this as well as possible. Because of the complex laws and the many different, and sometimes changing, copyright owners, however, we do not guarantee that this is done without faults. Should you have evidence of a fault with the copyright status, or if you are of the opinion that for specific parts of this website the copyright is violated, then you can immediately contact us at info@vlaamsekunstcollectie.be. If you have grounds to believe that the copyright on certain works has been infringed, you may contact the Flemish Art Collection by email (info@vlaamsekunstcollectie.be).
Images, their copyright status and the public domain
The copyright is applicable and can be enforced for up to 70 years after the death of an author, artist, photographer, etc. (or his/her authorised rights’ holder). The oeuvre of some of the artists on this website is protected by copyright.
Under each image on this website you will find the copyright status (with the exception of stock photos used purely for illustrative ends).
Images of works that are protected by copyright are marked ©, followed by the name of the copyright holder.
If possible, we used a Creative Commons or RightsStatements licence for this website. Images of works with no copyright or other user conditions receive the CC0 entry. For more information about other Creative Commons licences we applied, see creativecommons.org. For the RightsStatements.org licences, please visit rightsstatements.org.
The images of the copyrighted art works on this website (with the designation of ©) may not be reproduced nor downloaded without the consent of the rights holders or their agent. Therefore, any reproduction, adaptation, partial modification, or transmission via TV, cable or the Internet, of this artwork is prohibited without the prior consent of the authors or their agent.
Unless stated otherwise, most rights holders of works on this website are represented by SABAM/Unisono, Belgian Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers, Aarlenstraat 75-77, 1040 Brussels, Belgium. T: +32 (0)2 286 82 80, sabam.be, e-mail: visual.arts@sabam.be.
Although we make every effort to provide images in the highest possible resolution, the images are not always suitable for reuse. Often museums have images with a colour code (which we cut out to make it easier to use) and with an even higher resolution, necessary for e.g. quality prints. Often the resolution of images on this website is limited for copyright reasons.
For high-resolution images you can contact two organisations:
If these organisations cannot help you, you should contact the institution that owns the artwork.
If appropriate, meemoo and DAMS Antwerp will refer you to SABAM/Unisono (or other copyright owners and beneficiaries).